Light Microscopy at the Innovation Core: Publications & Grants

Light Microscopy Home > Publications & Grants

For any publications or grant applications with data acquired on the core instruments, please follow the guidance below.

Proper method reporting

Please send me a draft of your method section, with a few business days to spare, and I will make sure it has all the necessary information (hardware, imaging settings and image processing) reported accurately.


Acknowledgments play a vital role in supporting the core! We kindly request that you acknowledge the Innovation Core, and the specific microscope used, if applicable, in your publications and/or Grant applications.

General Acknowledgment template:

Data for this study was (/will be) acquired at the UCSF Innovation Core at the Weill Institute for Neurosciences.

Feel free to add comments or name staff as you see fit.

Microscope-specific acknowledgements with grant data

CSU-W1SoRa Confocal Microscope

Data for this study was acquired at the UCSF Innovation Core at the Weill Institute for Neurosciences on a custom imaging system controlled by the open-source software Micromanager (please add one of the micromanager publications to your references as indicated

LifeCanvas Lightsheet

Data for this study was acquired at the UCSF Innovation Core at the Weill Institute for Neurosciences on an instrument acquired in part using a Sandler Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research grant, which is partially funded by the Sandler Foundation.