Light Microscopy at the Innovation Core: Explore Imaging Systems

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The Light Microscopy Core offers the following imaging modalities, most of them applicable to live and fixed samples:

  • Widefield Fluorescence
  • Confocal microscopy
  • Super resolution microscopy
  • Lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM- 1P)
  • High content imaging
  • Photomanipulation (Optogenetics & FRAP)
  • Instant computational clearing (widefield), Instant deconvolution (confocal)
  • Color camera for Imaging of colorimetric or polarized stains
  • Model organism imaging system
  • Light-sheet imaging system for cleared samples (fixed)

The core also offers two powerful workstations with image analysis software and a server for easy data access.

Leica Stellaris Laser Scanning Confocal (FLIM and STED)

Laser-scanning confocal with a white light laser, STED based super-resolution (3 depletion lasers) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging module (FLIM)

CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope

W1 Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope with Super Resolution mode and Photoconversion/Activation capabilities for live and fixed samples

Molecular Device ImageXpress HTAi

High Content confocal and widefield imaging system for live and fixed samples in multiwell format

LifeCanvas SmartSPIM Highspeed Lightsheet Microscope

Lightsheet Fluorescence Microscope for both aqueous and cleared samples

Leica Widefield with Thunder

Fully motorized highspeed Widefield imaging for live and fixed samples

Leica Model Organism Imaging system with Thunder

Motorized fluorescence stereomicroscope with motorized stage, with high sensitivity camera and computational clearing module